Newsletter #8




Extranet: Optimize the registration of your samples

We’re constantly trying to improve our services to our customers. Extranet is one of the modern tools we offer to make the registration and follow-up of samples even more efficient. We see that since 2012, the number of registrations via extranet has tripled and nowadays, almost the half of all samples are being registered via this online tool.

How can extranet help me as a customer?

Extranet is the free online tool of Primoris which allows you to

  • register samples and choose the correct method of analysis
  • get analysis reports
  • extract the analytical data you need

The system is fairly easy, fast and reduces the possibilities of making mistakes and is still very flexible. You can make templates, add or change reporting lines, modify data after saving a registration, … Furthermore, you can get analytical data, reports (PDF), … anytime you want so you don’t need to have to request these reports by email.

How do you get started with this free tool?

Our extranet tool can be accessed through the client portal section (direct link). On this client portal, we publish useful information that is only accessible toour customers.
To benefit from all advantages of extranet, please contact our customer care team ( so we can provide you with log-in details for the client portal and the extranet application. We are happy to guide you through the system during your first sample registration via extranet. We also provide you with a short, handy manual that helps you register the samples correctly.

Do you want to give it a try? Contact us today, you won’t regret it!






