Newsletter #26




Dedicated customer service confirmed by customer satisfaction survey

During the first half of 2020 we have asked an independent marketing agency to conduct an extensive customer satisfaction survey for the fifth time in Primoris history. We commission this survey every three years, because we want to continuously work on high reliability and quality. This year, however, we have turned it up a notch by having in-depth conversations with a number of customers in order to get an even better insight in the complete customer journey. This will allow us to further develop our services towards our customers from the different sectors.

What do the results tell us?

  • With an average satisfaction of 8,4/10 for all stages of the customer journey, Primoris rates exceptionally high, continuing its streak from the surveys in 2017 and 2014
  • With 8,9/10 Primoris’ customer support receives the highest rating, which is most pleasing. As we are a company that wants to be close to its customers, customer support is our top priority and by extension should be one of the most important reasons for our customers to choose us as their partner
  • 94% of surveyed customers has the intention to continue working with Primoris as their laboratory in the future and our Net Promotor Score rises from +88 in 2017 to +89 in 2020

It goes without saying that there is always room for improvement in each of the stages of the customer journey. In the meantime we have started to work with all the feedback we received and we would like to express our sincere gratitude towards all customers that helped by completing this customer satisfaction survey. Thanks to their commitment we receive the information we so direly need to keep optimising our daily processes.








